Tortoise Wonderings (Running stuff)

My Life as a Tortoise…
  n tortoise [ˈtoːtəs]
     a kind of four-footed, slow-moving reptile covered with a hard shell.

I have decided that I am going to try to blog weekly (my attempt to make a commitment without making a commitment) about my journey of running the Marine Corp Marathon.  For most people, these weekly blogs on running will basically be something to be ignored or laughed at.  The crazy thing of me writing about a blog about running is that I am not  a pretty runner.   Everyone knows the pretty runners, we all drive by them running down the road and wish we could be fast and fit like them.   That’s not me, I basically consider myself more like a big, slow tortoise..  Rarely will I have good days because Tortoises don’t like to move, we would prefer to sit still and eat.   This journey toward a marathon will be an adventure, at least for me…

So here are the goals for the marathon: Break 4:20 and lose 60 pounds.  For a tortoise, those go against two core values; eating and not moving too fast, so we will see what happens.  Follow the journey at